Monday, March 31, 2008

Good Morning:

Chas mentioned late Friday “it was a good week.” My reply was a bit snarly at-the-time, but it was a good week.

My focus, or at least what I’m thinking about at this point….

warehouse capabilities (funding loans that need to be funded)
pipeline; reviewing what is our “real” pipeline
prudent underwriting and funding
GMAC <580 Manual loans; while we have the criteria in place, what are they really going to purchase? Are they going to get tougher
exceptions; clearing the existing and stopping the future
we have the ability to be very profitable this month if we can turn the line 1.5 times
AUS files; scenario strategies that will get winning results (May15th type thoughts and planning)
what loan officers and processors are out there just looking out for themselves?
getting our wholesale sales people back selling; we’ve had them in problem control and preventive maintenance for the past 60 days. Question is..what to sell and how to sell it right?
people; lot’s of feelings and emotions on the sleeve – here in the office and the field
paying attention to what we do well; I ask everyone to be sure that problems don’t bleed over into the areas that should not be effected.

Looking for blind spots,
