Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I’d like to encourage you to read 2 things this morning;

the book summary of “360 Leadership” by John Maxwell and
the Focus and Reflection dated 4/16/2008.

I’d then like to hear what you took away from these readings. You can either email or post as a comment on today’s blog. And the blog allows you to be anonymous!

Thanks, Danny


Anonymous said...

Ahh the old fearful word everyone hates to hear CHANGE!

When the world changed to computers, people were fearful of that change especially our parents. Wow our parents, the world they grew up in is so pre-historic to the way kids think and act today. Mine were fearful but they overcame and in time became computer literate. They had to or if they wanted to keep up with the ever changing world today they did what they had to do.

Think about when you first became parents how your world changed FOREVER. Running a business is much like raising a child. Your routine changes, late night feedings, changing of diapers, watching your child take their first step, saying their first word, nurturing/caring, disciplining, teaching and most importantly loving that child and wanting to protect when hurt.

Maybe we cram to much of change into our lives at once and one change can be overwhelming but several at once..........

So to quote Mark Twain

"The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one.
One baby step at a time is alot easier at times than giant ones.

We have alot of 360 leaders here, sometimes we are just to busy to take notice or to scared to show someone can be better. Anyway those are my thoughts.



Anonymous said...


After reading the 360 Leader summary I realized that I have read it before, but I am a firm believer that the mind sometimes needs refresher courses throughout life. I absolutely believe in the concepts that this summary has to offer. I know that I myself believe that in order for me to be a valued asset to this company I must always start with myself before reflecting on my thoughts of others. I think that by working diligently and efficiently I help lead this company in the right direction every day. I also rely on the support of all of my coworkers who also I believe are true leaders. If it wasn’t for my co workers I would often not be able to complete my tasks. I think that we are all talented and gifted parts of this company and what one can’t contribute another can, and this gives us strength to persevere in this ever so changing and unstable market we have come to be in. As for your focus and reflection from 4/16 what I take from it is exactly what I think we all must d
in order to survive right now…constantly change. We must all be willing to change with the times or we will end up sinking as so many have done before. I won’t tell you that I am not scared because that would be a lie, after what happened to me last year with First Magnus fear is always going to be lurking somewhere in the back of my head. I can tell you that I feel less fear knowing that I work with such a talented and determined group of people that are willing to change.


Gina Mantegna
