Saturday, April 11, 2009

Just Plain Do A Good Job

As I move into a new era of Alethes and think about the past; mistakes, successes, record high months, record low months, people hired, fired, layed-off, run off - it is apparent to me that we did best when we just did what we did well.

And with people that wanted to just plain do a good job. People with agendas that matched the company's mission and values.

Not people who had their own agendas and motives. People you could trust to just plain do a good job.

Not people who come to work everyday because they were going to make a bunch of money, but because they want to do a good job.

I can talk about being good leaders, what our mission statement means, how to live out values, etc, etc, etc, until I'm blue in the face and with worn knees. But if those I'm talking it to just want the money, just want to get in and get out.....waste of time.

And, for the most part, if the people I'm talking to are the right people, I don't have to do much of that other anyway.

To that end....


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