Saturday, April 18, 2009

LeadingWell Disciplines

A person that intends to lead well recognizes that he/she must be a leader leading leader. LeadingWell is about the desire of developing other leaders.

Author, mentor, and internationaly recognized speaker John Maxwell describes a Leader as "anyone who influences; period-the-end." Dr. Charles Swindoll is reported to have said, "give me one word to describe leadership and I say 'influence,' give me two and I say 'inspiring influence.'"

LeadingWell disciplines recognizes the disciplines of a Leader Leading Leader as one who strives themselves and equips others to be;

1. Purposeful - you approach others to purposefully add value to the relationship;
2. Relational - you are warm and inviting and work at relationships;
3. Objective -you assess strengths and weaknesses objectively;
4. Vulnerable - you model self-disclosure and honesty;
5. Incarnational- you live out what you teach;
6. Dependable; you are consistent and responsible with your actions and promises;
7. Empowering - you give power away and facilitate growth in others;
8. Resourceful - you use every tool you have to grow people and improve processes.

There are many parts to an organization's culture and these P.R.O.V.I.D.E.R. disciplines are something we can daily use to assist us in the fulfillment of our Vision, Mission, and Value Statements.

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