Wednesday, July 1, 2009


June is over and we’re half way through the year! Amazing…isn’t it?

Whether you’ve been with us from the beginning or have just joined in the past few weeks, I’m sure you recognize that the Alethes/Overland train has been on steep and sometimes treacherous grade. God tells us to not be worried about tomorrow and I know many of us have just paid attention one day at a time and this has gotten us through.

This is a tough time we are in and not just in our own industry. We’ll need to pay particular attention to “just today,” let’s be sure and remember the trip. Let’s remember where we’ve been on, and let’s know where we are going.

Over the next few days we’ll be -

1. recognizing accomplishments we’ve made this year

2. setting some goals for July and the rest of the year

3. determining needs to accomplish those goals

I’d like this an event that we all participate in, so feel free to come at me with ideas, suggestions, concerns, etc.

Thanks for all the hard work.

God Bless,


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