Friday, August 21, 2009

Teamwork and THE Box

Learning to work in the Box is not easy. All of us want something we don't have and have to be reminded to be content.

Content. Contentment. Not something we normally think of in a positive way. But, working in the box, succeeding in the box, is about being content that that you have to do with what you have. And succeeding with it.

Let's take the team I have to work with right now. I'm content with this team and it is maybe best team I've ever had. Everyone is focusing on their job duties, accepting responsibily, and striving to do their best with what we have.

Our industry is in a state of turmoil. At best, it is deep in paranioa and it should be with the results of the past few years. Defaults are at all time high and losses continue to mount.

I salute people like Carrie Hartwell, Kelley McCutcheon, Kandy Dinkins, Natalie Gaston, and Austen Smith that continue to come to work everyday and plug away at what is thrown at them.

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