Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Box's Most Important Ingredient

Laying in bed this morning, telling myself to get self's lazy butt up, it hit me...."I haven't talked much lately about the second most important ingredient in the box; people."

Seriously, I really did have that thought HIT my thoughts.

People are the second most important ingredient of our box's contents. Remember what the engineer said when he dropped, or threw, all that stuff on the table; "here's what they have to work with." He said THEY. The rest is just stuff.

For me, THEY include some incredible people and I thank each and everyone of them for the deligence and prayers over the past few months. We've had some rough times in many ways but the core has proven itself well.

The's all about what's in the box!

...and the glory of kings is to search matters out (Proverbs 25:2)

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