Sunday, October 25, 2009

How Deep is Credibility?

Credibility is deep and I have no doubt that I'm not even scratching the surface on my understanding of it. In other words, I'm sure I have HUGE blind spots about my credibility, what I know about it in general, how my own credibility is perceived by others, and how well I trust others' credibility.

In The Speed of Trust, author Stephen M.R. Covey lays out "the 4 cores of credibility;" Integrity, Intent, Capabilities, and Results. He uses as an example how, in a court of law, the opposing sides will try to either build up, or tear down the witness by strengthening or weakening these 4 cores (page 43).

Life is much like that court of law; we treat others many times based upon what they can do for us, or how well we like them.

It's about credibility; always talk about people as if they were there, don't distort facts, tell the truth in ways it can be verify.

To that end...

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