Wednesday, May 14, 2008


In today’s 1006 meeting we’ll continue a discussion that began in my office yesterday. The topic was along the lines of…”why are we all worked up over loan officers that only produce one or two deals a month?” While the statement was actually made by one person, it was more of “who” said it and how others responded with “yes, that’s what I’m talking about…that’s the attitude I don’t understand.”

I appreciate the honesty and how clarity was sought in this situation because it showed me the depth of a permeating problem that I was literally blind-sided by. What I did not even consider until later was how that statement was made after a meeting had already been requested to discuss a customer service problem. It was during this meeting and listening to the discussions, asking a few questions, and seriously seeking clarity, that I poised what had been asked right before the meeting.

Confused? We’ll discuss this more a bit later this morning and I’m sure for days and weeks to come!

Oh. My immediate, and calm answer was “this is not about the number of loans nor even a monetary value, this is about our living our value statement; this about a person.” The immediate response back to me was “oh, dang, I’m sorry. I don’t know what I was thinking.”

Enough said about that for now. I’ll move on to my original intention of this Focus and Reflection and move over to our Core Values Statement…

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