Saturday, May 10, 2008

Message from Jesse

-----Original Message-----
From: Jesse Brookshire

My duty as a marine is to protect the weak and helpless from the strong and violent, those who cannot protect themselves.

My...duty. Just like it is a cooks job to cook and a janitors job to clean, it is my job to protect, to be a warrior.

I chose to be the greatest warrior our nation has to offer. .5 percent of our population choose to be a marine and 90 percent of those marines are NOT infantrymen.

I am a warrior.

The values that have been instilled in me are what will insure my success.

These values are what have made and maintained the success of the United States Marine Corps. Ask yourself what makes America so special and great. Wealth? Entertainment? Oil? Cool cars? All of these things can be obtained all over the world. America doesn't own every last natural resource in the world making it some kind of superpower.

We are no greater in that aspect then many other places all around the world.

So, what is it?


The values that this nation was founded upon. The same values that become more and more flexible, lenient and materialistic everyday. The more our traditional values change, the more dangerous America becomes, the more America becomes less special and unique.

The true fight is not against terrorists or fascists, it is against ourselves and demoralization.

I fight to protect not only the weak from the strong, but also the values that we have worked so hard to establish.

I pray that the rest of America who just like me!

Jesse Brookshire

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